Presented by Compliance Training Online®


Online Certification Course
From the highest rated and most trusted online training company - since 2008.
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24 Hours

OSHA | Safety

2.4 CEUs (or 24 CMEs)

Compliance Training Online®

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What you are going to learn

Quick Overview

Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, or HAZWOPER, was designed by OSHA to protect workers at hazardous sites. The 24-hour HAZWOPER training course is intended for workers who will perform tasks in the vicinity of hazardous substances. While they will not be faced with the daily hazards of cleaning or handling hazardous materials, even occasional exposure requires initial safety training. Our online certification course meets OSHA's 24 HAZWOPER education requirements. It should be paired with at least one day of on-site training that includes hands-on experience and an overview of site-specific hazards.
Who This Course is For

This course is for:

Employees must receive HAZWOPER training to the level required by their job function and responsibility. HAZWOPER 24 training applies to general site workers, occasional site workers, and all other personnel who will not face daily hazards. For example, equipment operators, general laborers, and supervisory personnel may engage in activities that expose or potentially expose workers to hazardous substances, but not at levels above permissible thresholds.

Refresher training applies to all employees, managers, and supervisors.


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Immediate Access

There's no waiting period. Begin the course as soon as you sign up.

Anywhere Anytime

Internet connection and a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Up to date

We update our courses as soon as new regulations come out.